Transaction Response Processing Retry
During the response processing partner connect automatically handles retries when it runs into exclusive loan lock situations. By default partner connect retries every 15 mins until it is successfully able to process the response for a maximum duration of 24hrs. An integration, however can control the response processing retry interval and duration.
This applies to Processing and Completed response statuses only.
You can specify the following parameters for a response retry:
- Retry Interval: The retry interval for the response; possible values - None, 1, 5, 15 minutes; default value is 15 minutes
- Retry For: Total duration of retry attempts, in minutes; default and maximum value is 24 hours (1440 minutes)
- Duration cannot be less than the specified interval
- Duration cannot have interval = None
"status": "completed",
"retry": {
"interval": "15",
"duration": 1440
"loanFormat": "application/vnd.plm-2.0.0+json",
"loan": {
"loanNumber": "LoaNumberPartnerUpdated",
"borrowerRequestedLoanAmount": 250003,
"mortgageType": "mortgagePartnerUpdated",
"requestedInterestRatePercent": 3,
"loanAmortizationType": "AdjustableRatePartnerUpdated",
"propertyAppraisedValueAmount": 250003,
"loanProductData": {
"lienPriorityType": "FirstLienPartnerUpdated"
"property": {
"city": "ColumbusPartnerUpdated",
"county": "FranklinPartnerUpdated",
"loanPurposeType": "Purchase",
"postalCode": "43206",
"propertyUsageType": "PrimaryResidence",
"state": "OH",
"streetAddress": "streetPartnerUpdated",
"addressLineText": "addressPartnerUpdated",
"occupancyDisplayField": "Primary"
"partnerStatus": "partner status",
"respondingParty ": {
"name": "XYZ Partner",
"address": "P.O. BOX 1234",
"city": "Pleasanton",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "92150",
"pointOfContact": {
"fax": "8002376526",
"phone": "8009864343",
"email": ""
"referenceNumber": "10X1212"
Retry Limitations
Partner Connect retries for all of the pure loan data update responses. However, retry is not available for custom workflows in product and pricing category:
Updated almost 4 years ago