Partner Documents Delivery

A Partner Documents Delivery EPC integration enables a Partner to send closing documents from Encompass to their system for completion of the document signing process. Once the document signing process is completed, the integration enables the Partner to return the signed documents back into the Encompass eFolder. Partners also have the ability to update the Disclosure Tracking logs.

Encompass eFolder

Encompass eFolder

To develop a Partner Documents Delivery EPC integration, a Partner must do the following:

  • Register their product in the DOC category
  • Implement the Partner Documents Delivery request types that you support:
Request typeeFolder workflows


Additional information

For more information on Partner Document Delivery support in Encompass, see the Release Notes for Encompass 24.3 Major Release.

Partners with a Partner Documents Delivery integration will appear during the eClose workflow as available recipients for closing documents. When a Lender selects a Partner as a recipient for the closing documents, a transaction will be created and the Partner will receive a webhook notification. More details about the transaction can be found in Transaction Fulfillment.

Below is a sample transaction created when a Lender selects "Partner Documents Delivery Integration" during the eClose workflow:

    "id": "00518e30-dad3-4684-a2ae-7d5365500eb4",
    "status": "pending",
    "clientId": "3010000024",
    "environment": "sandbox",
    "entityRef": {
        "entityId": "urn:elli:encompass:BE11205531:loan:a4471ec8-0c5a-4dbe-93e7-9994ebed8f8e",
        "entityType": "urn:elli:encompass:loan"
    "product": {
        "id": "da0a3eab-b9e4-4cdf-b6d6-60f71957cc54",
        "partnerId": "007001",
        "name": "Partner Documents Delivery Integration"
    "request": {
        "loanFormat": "application/vnd.plm-2.0.0+json",
        "loan": {},
        "resources": [
                "id": "B2.be11205531KS*f189a2ec-c019-48a9-a105-0ee0847b4307KS*eclosing-cb6edd14-aa51-4477-a5f8-83d7b11210d6.pdf",
                "name": "First Payment Letter",
                "mimeType": "application/pdf",
                "assignedTo": {
                    "id": "97e9b379-df42-4efe-9310-2be0f6aa96a5",
                    "name": "First Payment Letter"
                "id": "B2.be11205531KS*f189a2ec-c019-48a9-a105-0ee0847b4307KS*eclosing-c807574b-7228-4801-b100-a7c54d594645.pdf",
                "name": "Closing Disclosure",
                "mimeType": "application/pdf",
                "assignedTo": {
                    "id": "4a8f6dee-8277-41fd-b901-2a43b4db63c0",
                    "name": "Closing Disclosure"
        "credentials": {},
        "requestingParty": {
            "name": "Ellie Mae - Encompass Platform",
            "address": "4140 Dublin Blvd. # 301 null",
            "city": "Santa Maria",
            "state": "CA",
            "postalCode": "93458",
            "pointOfContact": {
                "name": "Admin User",
                "email": "",
                "phone": "123-234-5678"
        "options": {
            "parties": [
                    "id": "Borrower-AdityaFN EDSQABorrower",
                    "contact": {
                        "phoneNumber": "123456789",
                        "emailAddress": ""
                    "fullName": "AdityaFN EDSQABorrower"
                    "id": "Borrower-Aditya PRE EDSQACOBorrower",
                    "contact": {
                        "phoneNumber": "123456777",
                        "emailAddress": ""
                    "fullName": "Aditya PRE EDSQACOBorrower"
                    "id": "Originator-Admin User",
                    "contact": {
                        "phoneNumber": "123456888",
                        "emailAddress": ""
                    "fullName": "Admin User"
            "resources": [
                    "id": "9cdf3bff-739c-42ce-bf8b-79f0a6ebc96a",
                    "signers": [
                            "fields": [
                                    "top": 413.558,
                                    "left": 118.061,
                                    "name": "BorrowerSignAndDate",
                                    "page": 1,
                                    "type": "SignAndDate",
                                    "right": 568.061,
                                    "scale": 0.75,
                                    "bottom": 435.558
                            "partyId": "Borrower-AdityaFN EDSQABorrower"
                            "fields": [
                                    "top": 422.65700000000004,
                                    "left": 118.475,
                                    "name": "BorrowerSignAndDate",
                                    "page": 1,
                                    "type": "SignAndDate",
                                    "right": 568.475,
                                    "scale": 0.75,
                                    "bottom": 444.65700000000004
                            "partyId": "Borrower-Aditya PRE EDSQACOBorrower"
                    "reviewers": [
                            "partyId": "Borrower1-AdityaFN EDSQABorrower"
                            "partyId": "Borrower2-AdityaFN EDSQABorrower"
        "type": "CLOSING_DOC_DELIVERY"
    "response": {},
    "application": "urn:elli:application:developerconnect",
    "orderType": "MANUAL",
    "created": "2023-07-13T12:46:45Z",
    "createdBy": "urn:elli:service:soo",
    "events": [
            "id": "619d9734-5362-4e78-9699-d93982ad0717",
            "text": "Transaction Request Created",
            "type": "urn:elli:epc:transaction:request:created",
            "from": "System",
            "sent": "2023-07-13T12:46:45Z",
            "comments": "New file(s) have been added.",
            "resources": [
                    "id": "B2.be11205531KS*f189a2ec-c019-48a9-a105-0ee0847b4307KS*eclosing-cb6edd14-aa51-4477-a5f8-83d7b11210d6.pdf",
                    "name": "First Payment Letter",
                    "mimeType": "application/pdf",
                    "assignedTo": {
                        "id": "97e9b379-df42-4efe-9310-2be0f6aa96a5",
                        "name": "First Payment Letter"
                    "id": "B2.be11205531KS*f189a2ec-c019-48a9-a105-0ee0847b4307KS*eclosing-c807574b-7228-4801-b100-a7c54d594645.pdf",
                    "name": "Closing Disclosure",
                    "mimeType": "application/pdf",
                    "assignedTo": {
                        "id": "4a8f6dee-8277-41fd-b901-2a43b4db63c0",
                        "name": "Closing Disclosure"
    "identity": {
        "hash": "CliSga00MQWCefoWb7e7G4BdXK1NdN6lLVmW0phuGKg="

The transaction created is a typical EPC transaction with the exception of the options section. The options section contains details about the following:

  • parties individuals who need to review and/or sign each resource in the package.
  • resources documents in the package that need to be reviewed and/or signed.

Below table explains the attributes within options section:

$.options.parties[].idRecipient Id
$.options.parties[].contact.phoneNumberRecipient phone number
$.options.parties[].contact.emailAddressRecipient email address
$.options.parties[].contact.fullNameRecipient full name
$.options.resources[].idResource Id
$.options.resources[].signers[].partyIdId of recipient who need to sign this resource
$.options.resources[].signers[].fieldsSignature fields
$.options.resources[].reviewers[].partyIdId of recipient who need to review this resource

Upon receipt of transaction webhook notification, the Partner should update the disclosure tracking log status using the UPDATE_DISCLOSURE_STATUS action. For more information, see Update Disclosure Tracking Status.

As documents get delivered to recipients, the Partner can update the disclosure tracking details with partial updates for recipients who have completed their tasks. The Partner could also wait till all recipients have completed their tasks, and perform one update to the disclosure tracking log that includes all disclosureRecipeints. It is recommended to peform partial updates as recipients complete tasks. Full details about UPDATE_DISCLOSURE action explained in the Update Disclosure Tracking Details.

The table below describes thedisclosureRecipients fields of the UPDATE_DISCLOSURE action:

$.result.details.disclosureRecipients[].idRecipient Id that was provided in Transaction.request.options.parties[].id
$.result.details.disclosureRecipients[].eSignedDateThe time and date that the borrower e-signed the eDisclosure package consent.
$.result.details.disclosureRecipients[].eSignedIPIP Address that the borrower was on while eSigning.
$.result.details.disclosureRecipients[].wetSignedDateThe time and date that the borrower wet-signed the package
The format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
$.result.details.disclosureRecipients[].actions[].typeType of action that recipient did. Allowed actions: viewed, accepted, rejected, authenticated
$.result.details.disclosureRecipients[].actions[].consentDateThe time and date that the borrower accepted the consent request.