Feature Flags

This sections covers how a partner can specify the various EPC platform features that are supported within the integration


Feature FlagDefinition
receiveautomatedTransactionUpdatesIndicates that service support receiving automated transaction updates via workflow rules.
sendFindingsIndicates that service support sending findings. Lender can map these findings to Encompass conditions or task.
receiveResourceTypesIdentifies that the service supports document mapping: Lender to Partner.
sendResourceTypesIdentifies that the service supports document mapping: Partner to Lender.
sendServiceEventsIndicates that the service support sending serviceEvents. Lender can map these serviceEvents to Encompass task or notification.
receiveServiceEventsIndicates that the service support receiving lender-initiated serviceEvents.


Please note that Partners must register their Findings, Services Events, and Resources as part of their product configuration to fully support the feature.

"feature": {
        "receiveAutomatedTransactionUpdates": false,
        "receiveResourceTypes": false,
        "sendResourceTypes": false,
        "sendServiceEvents": false,
        "receiveServiceEvents": false