Apr '21 Release 🎉

The EPC 2.0 April 2021 release is now live in production! With this release, we've included the following new features and improvements:

Options schema registration

We now support the ability for the integrations to register their options schema. Integration still has full flexibility to construct their options object however they like. With the options schema registration we hope to drive and build several new capabilities that will benefit both lenders and partners.

For more information, see Transaction Service: Options Schema Registration.

Retry control

Integration can not specify the frequency and duration of the the retry interval. With this we are providing additional flexibility where if for example the integration wants to completely avoid the transactions going into retry more they can specify that at the transaction level.

For more information, see Transaction Response Processing Retry.

ASO Document Attachment

Integrations now have ability to specify and attach docs for transactions that get created via the automation bot. Integrations in category such as Appraisal can use this new capability to receive docs required to process the request via bot in the same way as a manual order.

For more information, see One-Click and Automated Service Ordering Document Attachments.

If you have any questions or comments, you can send them to us at [email protected]. You can also post your questions and look for answers on our discussion board - which is actively tracked by a community of experts available to help as needed.